Thursday, November 4, 2021

Outback Style Parmesan Cream Sauce Pasta With Chicken Breast

     This Parmesan Cream Sauce Pasta dish was a favorite at Outback Steakhouse.  My  preparation has some variations, but is a lot like The OB style.  I used angel hair spaghetti because its what I had.  It worked fine, but at OB Steakhouse a thin fettucine was used.  
     The biggest difference with my dish is the lack of special Outback spices which are used on all the OB Steakhouse food.  Those spice recipes are carefully guarded bits of information, and are made outside of the restaurant, delivered with the other specialty Outback Steakhouse food products.  
     All in all this recipe tastes a lot like the pasta I used to prepare at OB Steakhouse, though at Outback the 1/2 chicken breast was placed whole on the bed of fettucine.  Shrimp on the Barbie (5 skewered Jumbo Shrimp spiced and buttered) could be subbed for the chicken breast.
     This dish really is quite simple. I pre-cook the pasta and the chicken breast.  If the breast is not sliced hot it can be heated slightly before placing on the pasta.  
     Next I use a steel wok over mesquite coals to sautee about 2 tablespoons of finely chopped onion, 2 tablespoons finely chopped jalapeno pepper, 1 small clove of finely chopped garlic, and a large sliced mushroom in butter.  I use 2 tablespoons or so of butter, and care must be taken to keep from scorching it.  Toss often through the cooking process.
     When the sauteed veggies are browned I add about 2 cups of heavy whipping cream, and 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese, tossing well in the wok.  I let this mix cook until it bubbles nicely throughout.  
     I then put the sliced chicken breast on the bed of pasta and pour the sauce over the whole thing, spicing with salt and black pepper if desired.
     When done right the parmesan melts into the cream and bonds together with it, forming a thick and exceptionally tasty parmesan sauce base, flavored by the browned sauteed vegetables and the butter.  
     Serve with Italian rolls or garlic bread, and a chopped beet leaf salad with tomato and italian dressing.